Naz City Hotel

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Naz City Hotel

Naz City Hotel

In the interior design of Naz City Hotel, the relief style artwork on the monoblock wall facing the central staircase exit volume is designed to fit exactly in its place. In the context of the architectural concept, this space, which is desired to give a calm but elegant feeling in this space, is designed to evoke a more intimate and poetic feeling in this space with the organic elements it contains, but at the same time in harmony with the hard geometric order that forms the interior space. The work gives the appearance of a bronze cast sculpture, and the artist’s hand interventions are consciously allowed to be perceived by the user, thus revealing its artistic value more clearly and adding an added value to the hotel.

The “artworks” specially prepared for the corridor transition spaces on the mezzanine floors of Naz City Hotel were prepared in line with the hotel concept. The works are produced in integration with historical photographs of the Bomonti Region where the hotel is located and abstractions that integrate original colors and geometries. A color palette that will add warmth to the space by breaking the cold effect of the marble-dominated flooring and coatings used in the interior was found appropriate in the artworks.

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